
Work description:

The work tries to use the principle of mechanical devices to give ordinary daily chairs a kind of biology, to achieve a kind of you want to sit, but I will not let you sit, and will launch an "attack at you when there is no retreat." "Effect. In a certain sense, it also implies that in the future era of science and technology, whether human morality and traditional virtues are still there. After the era of artificial intelligence, when our definition of things changes, will the definition of ethics and morals also change? The work explores the philosophical issues of the relationship between people, and constitutes the semantic integrity of the work in a theater-like form.

Tutor's comment:

The technical principle used in this work is to control the movement of the steering gear by sensing the approach of an object in front of it through ultrasonic waves. In this process, the human body, as a sensed object, is rejected by the chair, and the relationship between people and objects is reshaped. Simple technology, intuitive concept, but not enough depth. For example, the “actors” in the theater in the video do not always use the same approach. There are situations such as emergency approaching, slow approaching, etc., so there should not be only one chair. Kind of retreat.

Song Shang
Institute:Sichuan Academy of Fine Arts
  • 《不让坐》-1
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